Agile Media
successful use of "it thinking" in a media environment
The media industry is going through a period of rapid change, which shows no sign of slowing down. The use of cloud-based services and storage for acquisition, management and delivery of content promises to offer great flexibility, without the need for traditional investment in specialised media devices. There is currently no quick or easy way to achieve this using open standards or specifications, and careful planning is required to deliver against end users’ needs.
The most likely way to meet the demanding and ever-changing requirements of end viewers will be to employ more “IT-Thinking”, employing IT best practices and approaches to our industry, combined with the experience our industry has gained over the years about how best to deliver media to consumers.
The AMWA has some resources that may help in this journey.
First, there is a presentation by Brad Gilmer on IT Thinking for Professional Media. This highlights core concepts from the IT industry that may help us, as we seek to adapt IT techniques to our industry.
Another resource is the Agile Media Blueprint, co-authored by Dr. Richard Cartwright and Brad Gilmer. This document, subtitled, “Creating and monetizing content using the Internet technology platform”, introduces concepts, along with an architectural blueprint that may be used as the basis for “cloud-fit” professional media facilities of the future.
Given in the fall of 2019, this presentation provides the chance to learn about steps towards Agile Media Workflows.
To ensure that everyone has the same understanding of our goals and how the project would move forward, in the 45 minutes we cover the following topics:-
Brief overview of the AMWA; What we are and what we do.
Why business agility and agile workflows are a hot topic.
What we mean by “agile”, “cloud” and “COTS” in this context.
Further industry reading on this subject.
AMWA projects and processes / how we work.
Conditions to join this project.
The next step - discovering and analysing end user’s most urgent needs.
Agile Media Workflows Presentation